What is HGIS of South-Eastern Europe? A multidisciplinary research team of historians, archaeologists, classical philologists, geographers, urbanists, GIS and IT specialists from Sofia University works on developing a HGIS-project „Historical Geographic Information System of South-Eastern Europe”. As a first stage, the project is focused on Thrace region and covers chronological frame from the Antiquity to the First World War. Besides the core of the team a number of young PhD students and scholars are associated. The Project started 2015 with the financial and academic support of the Center of Excellence in the Humanities “Alma Mater”. Although the term “Thrace” has variable meaning within this frame every single period represented in the project defines its geographic borders, corresponding to the specific geographic, political or cultural sense. A Database has been developed for analysis and visualization of historical-geographic data such as: historical toponymy; roads and communication, military infrastructure; settlement network and historical demography; economy; religious sites, etc.
Pre-Roman Thrace
Pre-Roman Thrace spans from the time of the first mentioning of the Thracians in the Homeric epics to the establishment of the Roman power on the Balkan Peninsula… continue
Thrace, Roman Period
The “Roman period layer” spans from the time of the creation of the Roman province of Thrace in the middle of the 1st century to the end of the 4th century… continue
Late Antiquity Thrace
During the Late Antiquity Thrace, a former place of exile (remember Ovid!), became the hinterland of the new power and economic centers… continue
Thrace, Ottoman Period
The research focus of the Ottoman Period team covers roughly the period of Ottoman rule in the region, i.e. from the mid-14th to the second half of the 19th century… continue
Thrace, Modern Period
In the period between 1878 and 1919 Thrace (to be understood as “Bulgarian Thrace”) became an arena for a spectacular clash between… continue