Seminar for participants in Geography Information System, February-May 2016
Senior seminar entitled “New reading of Humanities: Iberian, American, Mediterranean and Transatlantic Languages and Cultures”, February-December 2016
Conference on Safe Internet, jointly conducted with Parents Association, 09.02.2016
Annual Meeting of the Transatlantic Seminar, Pleven, February 2016
Participation in the International Conference “Refugees Crisis in Europe, 2015-2016, organized by the EU Parliament, Brussels, 29.02.-01.03.2016
Strategy Planning Seminar of the Project „The Soft Power of Cultural and Scientific Diplomacy”, Brestovitsa, 18-20.03.2016
Research trip related to topic Bulgarian Muslims and the Challenges of the Forced Name-Change Process, 1972-1974, April 2016
Participation in the Annual Conference of the European Association for American Studies, Constanta, 21-24.04.2016
Visiting lecturers, invited for the National and Regional History Seminar:
- Prof Dubravka Stoyanovic, University of Belgrade, 19 April 2016
Meeting on: „EU Regulations: Sources of Bulgarian International Private Law, Sofia, April, 2016
Days of Humanities, May 2016
Round-table: Bulgarian Muslims and the Challenges of the Forced Name-Change Process, 1972-1974: May 2016
Visiting lecturers, invited for the National and Regional History Seminar: Prof Milan Ristovic, University of Belgrade, May 2016
Traveling seminar The Balkan City, jointly organized with the Athens University: 10-15.05. 2016, Athens
Lecturers visiting the Center for Regional Research and Analysis: Prof Turan Ilter, Istanbul University, New Conference Hall, 23 May 2016
Seminar of the team working on the project “Mass Media Propaganda during the Cold War: Newsreels in Bulgaria and USA, May 2016
Visiting lecturers, invited for the National and Regional History Seminar: Prof. Hrvoe Petric, University of Zagreb, June 2016
Discussion on “The Bulgarians in the Ottoman Empire: Terms, Structures and Personalities” June 2016
Discussion on “Russian Policy in the Black Sea Region and in the Middle East”, June 2016
Early Career Seminar “International Society for Eighteenth Century Studies “Enlightenment and Peasant Life: Representations, Intellectual Debates, Cultural Conflicts,</div> Socio-economic Transitions”, jointly conducted with Vienna University and the International Society for Research of XVIIIc., 26-30 June 2016
Seminar of the team working on the project “Mass Media Propaganda during the Cold War: Newsreels in Bulgaria and USA, 28-29.06 2016
Research trip “Environment and Traditions”, July-August 2016
Visiting lecturers, invited for the Seminar “The Balkan City”: Prof Andreas Kultzer, Austrian Academy of Science, October 2016
Seminar on “Graves, Tombs, Necropolis in their Settlement Environment in the Eastern Mediterranean – Classical to Hellenistic Period”, Sofia-Kazanluk-Isperih, 9–13 October 2016
Visiting lecturers, invited for the National and Regional History Seminar: Prof Konrad Kleving, The Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung – IOS, Regensburg, October, 2016
Days of Humanities, November 2016
Visiting lecturer, invited for the National and Regional History Seminar: Prof. Wolfgang Hoepken, Leipzig University, November 2016
Conference and seminar on “EU Regulations Related to the International Private Law: History of Ideas, New Sources, Development and Practices”, Sofia, November 2016
Annual meeting, Hisar, 09-11.12. 2016
Visiting lecturers, invited for the Seminar “The Balkan City”: Prof Andreas Kultzer, Austrian Academy of Science
Round-table discussion joined by visiting lecturers Prof. Barbara Issak, Montesori Foundation, London, Prof. Mateo Bonifacci, Trento University and Prof. Bozhidar Angelov, University of Sofia: jointly conducted with Montesori Society, Bulgaria, Bulgarian Association of Parents, Center for Progressive Education, Sofia, Dnevnik and Capital Dailies, Hall 1, Main Building of Sofia University, 4.00-6.00 pm, 06.04.2016
Post-graduate seminar on Synchronic and Diachronic Phonetics”, Hall 243, Main Building of Sofia University, 4.00-6.00 pm, 20.04.2016
A two-day seminar focused on the results achieved by the project on Media and Information Literacy through Development and Application of Innovative Approaches and Models, 28-29.06.2016
Round-table entitled “Modern aspects of synchronic and diachronic phonetics, joined by visiting lecturer, Professor Donka Minkova, Dean of the Humanities department of Los Angelis University of California, Hall 243, Main Building of Sofia University, 10.00-12.00, 25.05.2016
Post-graduate seminar and workshop aimed at mountain regions’ research, May-June 2016
Seminar for post-graduate students, 01-03 June 2016
Conference on “Challenges to synchronic and diachronic phonetics”, Conference Hall, Main Building of Sofia University, 10.00-18.00, 17.06.2016
Promotion of the results of the 33rd International Congress for Geography-Peking’16”, June 2106
Summer academy “Europe and Beyond”, Kamchia, 26.06.2016-03.07.2016
Seminar of the team working on the project The Soft Power of Cultural and Scientific Diplomacy, June 2016
Summer school for post-graduates, Kamchia, 26.06.-03.07.2016
Interdisciplinary summer school on Public history and public diplomacy in the contact zones, June-August 2016
International Conference on “Scientific Diplomacy in the Zones of Contact between Islam and Christianity, July 2016
Promotion of the results achieved by the project “Digitized Informational and Educational Platform to Teach Bulgarian Language, History, Geography and Culture”, August 2016
Summer school on “Visualization and processing of hyper big data-bases, Hisar, August 2106
Promotion of the monography “Pedagogy of Media Communication”, September 2016
Conference on “The Mountain: Models for sustainable development, regional policies and trans-border cooperation”, Varshets, 23-25.09.2016
Post-graduate seminar on “Diachronic analysis of a micro region”, October 2016
Post-graduate seminar on “Interdisciplinary research in the humanities”, October 2016
Round-table discussion on “Modern aspects in interdisciplinary research”, November 2016
Promotion of the monography “The World of the Global Television: a Monolog or a Dialog”, November 2016
Round-table discussing the results of the project “Mass Media Propaganda during the Cold War: Newsreels in Bulgaria and USA, November 2016
Promotion of the monography “Policies and Instruments for Sustainable Development”, November 2016
Conference on “Interdisciplinary approaches and hybridization in the new millennium”, December 2016
Launching the monography “Digital Medieval”, December 2016
Launching the collective monography “EU Regulations: International Private Law”, Sofia, December 2016