07.11.2014: General Assembly of the Bulgarian Studies Association, 2.00pm, Sofia University, Aula Magna
07.11.2014: “Dutch Diplomacy and the Development of the International Law of Order”, public lecture delivered by HE Tom van Oorschot, 6.00pm, Sofia University Central Building, Hall 241 (Transatlantic Seminar, Academic Innovations Programme)
7-10.11.2014: Post-graduate seminar on “Research, planning and management of Mountain Regions”, to be held in Banite, Smolyan (Culture, Media, Language and Sustainable Development Programme)
10.11.2014: Opening of the documentary exhibition “De-Stalinization–dilemma of a conflicting decade, 1953-1954”, 12.30pm, Sofia, Museum of Communist Art, (Historical Memory Programme in partnership with the National Archives, the Bulgarian Arts Museum, and the Parliamentary Committee for disclosing the documents and announcing affiliations of Bulgarian citizens to the State Security and Intelligence Services of the Bulgarian National Army)
11.11.2014: "Skopje, Muslim or a Christian town? Contribution to the historical demography of the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century", public lecture delivered by Petar Todorov, PhD, (Institute for National History, Skopje), 2.00pm, Sofia University Central Building, Hall 23, (Regional Research Programme)
13-14.11.2014: Social and economic aspects in the development of the mountain trans-border regions of the European Union”, Municipality of Kiustendil, (Culture, Media, Language and Sustainable Development Programme)
13.11.2014: ”Skopje’s Christian notables and the dissolution of the Rum millet (1800-1860): Enemies of the Patriarchy of Constantinople or their loyal subjects?”, public lecture by Petar Todorov, PhD, (Institute for National History, Skopje), 11.00am, Hall 37 ((Regional Research Programme)
28.11.2014: New Approaches to Media Studies Research, a round-table discussion with a visiting lecturer prof. Raul Sanchez (Salamanca University), 1.00-3.00pm, Sofia University Central Building, Hall 2 (Culture, Media, Language and Sustainable Development Programme)
28.11.2014: Cultural Diplomacy or Diplomacy of Culture, public lecture by HE Stavros Avgoustidis, Ambassador to Bulgaria of Republic of Cyprus, 6.00 pm, Hall 241, Sofia University Central Building, (Transatlantic Seminar, Academic Innovations Programme)